Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thanks to Twilight Friends and Foes for Raising a Delicate Issue

If you are on FaceBook with any regularity there is a good chance you've seen the image below posted on at least one of your friends stati (yeah, I know but statuses sounds even more stupid).

Where do I begin? Well, first, thank you Mr. or Ms. Logic for making me think of something I'd rather not have thought about. However, seeing as I am dating a vampire, once the seed had been planted (pun intended), I couldn't get it out of my head.

It's not like you want to consider such things in the heat of the moment. Or upon reflection actually. At least, I don't. But what was I supposed to do now? I had to ask Kin (my vampire boyfriend, for those who don't know, and I'm not sure why we have to keep revisiting that - read my book!).

Now, those of you who HAVE read my book (thank you!) know that I'm not one to be graphic or discuss intimate matters any more than absolutely necessary, so pay attention because I'm going to be vague!

According to Kin, who is a vampire, so I have no reason to doubt him, it is true that vampire's hearts no longer beat. It is true also that they do not need to breathe. However, quite obviously, other muscles and organs are functioning or they wouldn't be walking around living the after-life that they are. I'll let you contemplate that for a moment.......

Think about it; they walk, talk, run, do things that require amazing feats of strength, etc, right? All of those things require the use of muscles. There are muscles in the... male sex organ. (God, I hated typing that!) It takes a combination if these muscles, nerves and blood (which let's face it, who has more blood in them than a healthy vampire?) to achieve the uh, ... desired state.

So, the sticking point is, how does the blood flow. Kin's answer: "I'm not sure." Now before you all start crying 'cop out' or whatever, let me say a couple of things. First off, unless you went to medical school or something, would you know the intricacies of how the human body worked without the aid of the internet? I didn't think so. Second, it's not like there have been centuries of vampire doctors doing research on how their bodies function, recording their findings and trying to comprehend the magic that makes them work. They can't Google this stuff. There are no pages on Wikipedia for them to go to.

When you consider it in that light, it's a reasonable response. His best guess: Vampires need blood for everything. It's the one and only thing they need to exist. Therefore, it must somehow travel throughout their entire body to keep their body functioning. It does not seem to use the same arterial system it used when they were human, but that doesn't mean it doesn't travel through the body in some other way.

The bottom line is this, vampires manage to have sexual relations. Kin says definitely no babies, though. I don't want to delve any further into the why's and wherefore's of the mechanics of the issue. This was uncomfortable enough, thank you very much.

And if you need or want any more information on this topic, I highly suggest you go and get your own vampire. Or a hobby. Or therapy.


Unknown said...

Good morning Hero =)

Since I'm one who was guilty of posting this, I feel the need to jump in. Like I wouldn't have anyway. It's a favorite subject of mine too.

I love Vampires. Always have. I think my first serious crush was Frank Langella (no kidding, but I was an odd child LOL). Any body who has ever seen the 1979 version of Dracula starring him will know what I mean.

My whole reason for re-posting that quip was a dig at Twilight specifically. Not the rest of the genre.

As to the anatomy of a Vampire, I leave that to the experts, since I have no experience there. ;D (Not for a lack of curiosity mind you, just haven't met any yet.) @}~


Hero said...

Ah ha! So it was You! I'm going to have to keep an eye on you, I can see that. Yeah, I can see the Frank Langella thing, though overall, I think that movie is lousy. He's the only good thing in it. Hey, you think you were an odd child - when I was a kid I had a crush on Gene Kelly!

Unknown said...

LOL! Never considered how a Vampire achieves an erection... O_o TO me if a Vampire gets 'aroused' by the smell of blood or hearing a pulse pounding on their desired victim(?), that's enough for me to assume or imagine... LOL, nice post.

Myshelle said...

Hi Hero, Sorry for such a late reply, I had trouble getting in here.I thought you handled this topic very bravely. I personally had not given it much thought but obviously my daughter did. At the close of your first book,she Miss 30 something obviously fancied a steamier ending are you likely to include any of this hanky panky in future editions?
Thank you so much we all loved your book.

Hero said...

Hi Myshelle - no need to be sorry - there's no deadline on comments :) Steamier? Nope. As I said in the book, I might kiss and tell, but I don't 'you know what' and tell. I have no use for ridiculous euphemisms for the male anatomy and silly flowery descriptions of love making. We're adults, we have imaginations, we know what happens when 2 adults go behind closed doors. And if anyone is too young to know what happens, it's not my job to educate them. :)

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