Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Since You Asked.....

From time to time, I get asked things about my relationship with Kin, the people I mention in my book and what will happen in upcoming books, etc. I thought I would address a few of those things here.

I've been asked why I don't go into more detail in the love scenes. I did mention this before in another post, as well as in the book, but I'll mention it again. I may kiss and tell, but I don't 'you know what' and tell. At least not in detail. Personally, I can't stand reading things with ridiculous euphemisms for the male anatomy and silly, flowery descriptions of what goes on between a man and a woman. And I sure as heck am not about to reduce my personal love life to torrid, soft core porn for entertainment purposes. I've got nothing against erotica if that's what you're into. Great, go for it! But remember, I'm talking about my life. I'm baring my soul here. Let me keep something to myself.

Some have asked if certain types of creatures and supernatural beings will show up in my books. Really? Am I clairvoyant now? It wasn't so long ago I would have sworn on a stack of bibles.... hmm, yeah, I believe in God but not too religious. Ok. I would have sworn on the fate of every Ring Ding in the world that vampires absolutely did not exist. And yet... here I am blogging about my book series featuring my vampire boyfriend, not to mention shape shifters and faeries. I'm still coming to grips with the fact that these other species are real and in my life. I haven't considered the possibility of the existence of other beings let alone asked for confirmation or introductions. Please, I can only take so much in such a short period of time. If and when any new mythical creatures should become un-mythical (heaven help me!) you will read about them in my books.

I love this one. I have been asked if I am always so angry or always so quick to angry. Well, let me put it this way. Go back and make a list of all the things that happened to me and the time frame in which they happened. Keep in mind, among other factors, that I live in the house I grew up in, where I should always feel safe. That the only weapon I had against Leontine was that I could get under her skin. And that I was forced to place my trust and literally my life in the hands of my new vampire boyfriend whom I hardly new. And in case you didn't get it, I had just found out that vampires were real! I had a butt-load of really huge crap to try and deal with in less than 72 hours. It's easy to armchair quarterback and say what you think you would do or what you think I should have done, but unless you are actually there living it with your life on the line and your home being destroyed, you really don't know. Give me a little break, ok? And keep in mind that what you are seeing as anger might also be fear and insecurity. And I do believe that I happened to mention somewhere along the line that I was fond of sarcasm. :)

Are you ready for this one? Someone asked if I was "setting up" for a love triangle between me and Kin and Mike. Whoa!!! WTF? First of all, this is my life I am writing about. I am not "setting up" for anything. Second... ew! I think Mike is a great guy and all, but... aside from the fact that he's way too young for me, it would be like taking advantage of someone's little brother. I do not think of him that way. Not to mention, Kin and I are still at the beginning of our relationship and you are looking for me to screw it up by involving another vampire? What's wrong with you people?

And last but not least, will Kin and I get married. Ugh..... gee, good question. I have no freaking idea. We haven't been dating that long. Who knows what might happen?

So, I hope that answers some of your questions. Keep 'em coming!



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